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Celo L1 → Celo L2 Operator Guide

Alfajores migration overview

In the Celo L1 to L2 transition, we are migrating all historical Celo data into the Celo L2 node, ensuring that blocks, transactions, logs, and receipts are fully accessible within the Celo L2 environment.


Stay tuned for the Alfajores migration block number and approximate date / time.

Sometime before the transition, all Alfajores node operators must upgrade their existing nodes to the latest version and add a --l2migrationblock flag when restarting (see below). All Alfajores nodes that do this will stop adding blocks immediately before the specified block number.

When the block before --l2migrationblock is reached, node operators can start their L2 Alfajores nodes. Those who do not need a full sync can start a Celo L2 node and use snap sync right away. Those who do need a full sync have two options: download and use the migrated chaindata provided by cLabs or run a migration script on their own chaindata to convert it into a format compatible with the Celo L2 node.

To simplify the management of the Celo L2 node, no legacy execution logic is included in Celo L2. However, RPC calls that require execution or state for pre-transition L1 blocks remain supported by proxying these requests from the Celo L2 node to a legacy Celo L1 node. Therefore, operators looking to run full archive nodes or serve requests for historical execution now need to run both a Celo L1 node and a Celo L2 node. Since the Celo L2 node does still require the full pre-migration chain data, these operators will require approximately double the storage space as is currently needed.


The instructions below are not yet fully usable, as some values need to be set. They are marked as TODO.

Stopping an L1 Node

If you are currently running an L1 Alfajores node, you should upgrade to the below version before the migration and add the --l2migrationblock flag when restarting.


TODO: Stay tuned for specific docker image and migration block number

This will automatically prevent your node from processing blocks higher than l2migrationblock - 1.

Starting an L2 node


Three components are required to run an L2 node:

  • eigenda-proxy: proxy interface between EigenDA and the OP stack
  • op-node: the consensus layer
  • op-geth: the execution layer

For op-geth, there are three options to get started, ranked by ease and the level of trust required:

  1. Start an L2 node with snap sync. This option does not require running the migration script.
  2. Start an L2 node with the provided L1 chaindata.
  3. Migrate the L1 chaindata manually.

Using snap sync offers a simpler and faster experience, but it cannot be used if you want to run an archive node. In that case, you will need to use an archive node snapshot or migrate your own archive data from an L1 node.


If you plan to migrate your own chaindata, we recommend getting familiar with the instructions and running the pre-migration 1-3 days ahead of the full migration.

The next sections will provide more information on running each component, including the different options for op-geth.

Running EigenDA Proxy


These are brief instructions for running an eigenda-proxy instance. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the repository README.

If you are using Kubernetes for this deployment, you can utilize our eigenda-proxy Helm chart to simplify the process. Feel free to modify these instructions to better suit your specific needs.

To run the eigenda-proxy, you can use the container image: Alternatively, you can clone the Layr-Labs/eigenda-proxy repository and build the proxy:

git clone
cd eigenda-proxy
git checkout v1.2.0

# Binary available at ./bin/eigenda-proxy
  1. First, you will need to download two files required for KZG verification. At the time of writing, these files are approximately 8GB in size, so please ensure you have enough space in the download directory. For example:

[ ! -f ${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR}/g1.point ] && wget --output-document=${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR}/g1.point
[ ! -f ${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR}/g2.point.powerOf2 ] && wget --output-document=${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR}/g2.point.powerOf2

wget --output-document=${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR}/srssha256sums.txt
if (cd ${EIGENDA_KZG_PROXY_DIR} && sha256sum -c srssha256sums.txt); then
echo "Checksums match. Verification successful."
echo "Error: Checksums do not match. Please delete this folder and try again."
exit 1
  1. Now, we can run the eigenda-proxy container (or the binary if preferred). Feel free to modify the --eigenda-eth-rpc flag to point to your own node or your preference:

docker run -d \
--name eigenda-proxy \
--network=host \
/app/eigenda-proxy \
--addr= \
--port=4242 \ \
--eigenda-eth-rpc= \
--eigenda-svc-manager-addr=0xD4A7E1Bd8015057293f0D0A557088c286942e84b \
--eigenda-status-query-timeout=45m \
--eigenda-g1-path=/data/g1.point \
--eigenda-g2-tau-path=/data/g2.point.powerOf2 \
--eigenda-disable-tls=false \
--eigenda-eth-confirmation-depth=1 \

Running op-node

op-node is not a resource-demanding service. We suggest running it on any modern CPU (amd64 or arm64) with at least 2GB of memory. It is stateless, so it does not require any persistent storage.

To run op-node, you can use the container image: Alternatively, you can clone the celo-org/optimism repository and build op-node from source:

git clone
cd optimism/op-node
git checkout celo8
make op-node
  1. Download the rollup config file and generate a JWT secret (this value will also be required for configuring the op-geth client):
mkdir -p ${OP_NODE_DIR}
wget --output-document=${OP_NODE_DIR}/rollup.json

echo openssl rand -hex 32 > ${OP_NODE_DIR}/jwt.txt
  1. Run the container (or the binary if preferred). You can use the following example as a reference. If you're using snap sync mode, you need to add the flag --syncmode=consensus-layer.

docker run -d \
--name op-node \
--network=host \
--restart=always \
-v ${OP_NODE_DIR}:/data \
op-node \
--l1.trustrpc=true \
--l1= \
--l1.beacon= \
--l2=http://localhost:8551 \
--l2.jwt-secret=/data/jwt.txt \
--rollup.load-protocol-versions=true \
--rollup.config=/data/rollup.json \
--verifier.l1-confs=4 \
--rpc.addr= \
--rpc.port=9545 \
--p2p.listen.tcp=9222 \
--p2p.listen.udp=9222 \
--p2p.priv.path=/data/op-node_p2p_priv.txt \
--altda.enabled=true \
--altda.da-server=http://localhost:4242 \
--altda.da-service=true \
--altda.verify-on-read=false \

If you start op-node before op-geth, it will shut down after a few seconds if it cannot connect to its corresponding op-geth instance. This is normal behavior. It will run successfully once op-geth is running and it can connect to it.

Running op-geth

Now, let's move on to the op-geth execution client. It will be responsible for executing transactions and generating blocks. In terms of resource requirements, it is recommended to run op-geth on a machine with 8 modern cores (amd64 or arm64), at least 8GB of memory and 200GB of storage. Feel free to adjust these values based on your specific requirements.


You can use the official op-geth documentation as an additional reference.

Although there are multiple ways to run op-geth, all options will share most of the same configuration. We will cover how to run op-geth, in general, and then provide specific instructions for each of the three options.

To run op-geth, you can use the container image: Alternatively, you can clone the celo-org/op-geth repository and build op-geth from source:

git clone
cd op-geth
git checkout celo8
make geth
  1. If you are not running the migration script, download the genesis file and the rollup config file. These files are output from the migration script. Also you need to copy the JWT secret generated in the previous step.
mkdir -p ${OP_GETH_DIR}
wget --output-document=${OP_NODE_DIR}/genesis.json

cp ${OP_NODE_DIR}/jwt.txt ${OP_GETH_DIR}/jwt.txt
  1. In the first execution, you will need to init the chaindata dir using the provided genesis file. Run using the container or the binary according to your preference. You can use the following example as a reference.

docker run -it \
--name op-geth-init \
-v ${OP_GETH_DIR}:/celo \
geth \
--datadir=/celo \
init /celo/genesis.json
  1. Now you can run the op-geth client. You can use the following example as a reference. If you wish to use snap sync mode, you need to add the flag --syncmode=snap.

docker run -d \
--name op-geth \
--network=host \
-v ${OP_GETH_DIR}:/celo \
-e GETH_DATADIR=/celo \
geth \
--datadir=/celo \
--networkid=44787 \
--syncmode=snap \
--gcmode=full \
--snapshot=true \
--maxpeers=60 \
--port=30303 \
--authrpc.addr= \
--authrpc.port=8551 \
--authrpc.jwtsecret=/celo/jwt.hex \
--authrpc.vhosts=* \
--http \
--http.addr= \
--http.port=8545 \
--http.api=eth,net,web3,debug,txpool,engine \
--http.vhosts=* \
--http.corsdomain=* \
--rollup.sequencerhttp= \ # TODO
--rollup.disabletxpoolgossip=true \
--rollup.halt=major \
--verbosity=3 \

Option 1: snap sync


Snap sync will only work once Alfajores L2 is live.

With snap sync, you can start an L2 node without migrating or downloading the L1 chaindata. It is the easiest way to get started with an L2 node, but it does not support archive nodes. To start an L2 node with snap sync, you need to run op-geth with the --syncmode=snap flag.

Option 2: download L1 chaindata and get started


TODO: The migrated chaindata is not yet available for download.

This option is required for nodes running in full or archive mode. In case of an archive node, you can download the migrated chaindata from a L1 fullnode snapshot, and run op-geth with the --gcmode=archive flag (it will only keep archive state for L2 blocks). Also, with this option, you can either use --syncmode=consensus-layer or --syncmode=snap (you will need to have op-node peers to use --syncmode=consensus-layer and op-geth peers to use --syncmode=snap).


mkdir -p ${OP_GETH_DIR}
tar -xvf alfajores-migrated-datadir.tar.zst -C ${OP_GETH_DIR}

Option 3: L1 chaindata migration

L1 chaindata is the most involved option, but you can use your own L1 chaindata, not trusting the provided chaindata. This option can be split into two steps: pre-migration and full migration. For the pre-migration, you can use the chaindata from a L1 fullnode you trust. This step can be used to prepare the chaindata for the full migration, reducing the time required for the full migration (and the downtime of the node during the migration). For the full migration step, you will need to wait until Alfajores L1 has stopped producing blocks (that will happen at block TODO).


The migration script is provided as a docker image, but you can also review and build it from source. The docker image is available at To build from source, you can follow the next steps:

git clone
git checkout celo8
cd ops-chain-ops
make celo-migrate

~24-72 hours before the migration block, node operators can run a pre-migration script. This script migrates the majority of the chaindata in advance so that the full migration can quickly complete the migration on top of the latest state when the migration block is reached.

  1. Create a snapshot of the node's chaindata directory. This is a subdirectory of the node's datadir.
    • Do not run the migration script on a datadir that is actively being used by a node.
    • Make sure you have at least enough disk space to store double the size of the snapshot, as you will be storing both the old and new (migrated) chaindata.
  2. Run the pre-migration script. Using the docker image, you can use the following command as a reference:

Do not run the migration script on a datadir that is actively being used by a node even if it has stopped adding blocks.

docker run -it --rm \
-v /path/to/old/datadir/chaindata:/old-db \
-v /path/to/new/datadir/chaindata:/new-db \
celo-migrate pre --old-db /old-db --new-db /new-db


  • old-db should be the path to the chaindata snapshot.
  • new-db should be the path where you want the L2 chaindata to be written.
  • Please run the pre-migration script at least 24 hours before the migration block so that there is time to troubleshoot any issues.
  • Ensure the pre-migration script completes successfully (this should be clear from the logs). If it does not, please reach out for assistance: TODO(discord)
  • Keep the new-db as is until the full migration script is run. If this data is corrupted or lost, the full migration may fail or take a very long time to complete.
Full migration

At block TODO, the L1 chain will stop producing blocks. At this point, you can run the full migration script. For this step, you will need to pass in some additional files, and also configure paths to write the rollup config and genesis files to.

You can pull down the required deploy-config, l1-deployments, and l2-allocs files as follows.


mkdir -p ${CEL2_MIGRATION_DIR}
wget -O ${CEL2_MIGRATION_DIR}/config.json
wget -O ${CEL2_MIGRATION_DIR}/deployment-l1.json
wget -O ${CEL2_MIGRATION_DIR}/l2-allocs.json

Now we can run the migration script. Remember to stop your node (geth) before running it:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /path/to/old/datadir/chaindata:/old-db \
-v /path/to/new/datadir/chaindata:/new-db \
-v ${CEL2_MIGRATION_DIR}:/migration-files \
celo-migrate full \
--old-db /path/to/old/datadir/chaindata \
--new-db /path/to/new/datadir/chaindata \
--deploy-config /migration-files/config.json \
--l1-deployments /migration-files/deployment-l1.json \
--l2-allocs /path/to/l2-allocs.json \
--l1-rpc \
--outfile.rollup-config /path/to/rollup.json \
--outfile.genesis /path/to/genesis.json
  • old-db must be the path to the chaindata snapshot or the chaindata of your stopped node.
  • new-db must be the path where you want the L2 chaindata to be written. This must be the same path as in the pre-migration script, otherwise all the work done in the pre-migration will be lost.
  • deploy-config must be the path to the JSON file that was used for the l1 contracts deployment. This will be distributed by cLabs.
  • l1-deployments must be the path to the L1 deployments JSON file, which is the output of running the bedrock contracts deployment for the given 'deploy-config'. This will be distributed by cLabs.
  • l1-rpc must be the RPC URL of the L1 node. For alfajores it must be a Holesky endpoint. Feel free to use any other endpoint that you trust.
  • l2-allocs must be the path to the JSON file defining necessary state modifications that will be made during the full migration. This will be distributed by cLabs.
  • outfile.rollup-config is the path where you want the rollup-config.json file to be written by the migration script. You will need to pass this file when starting the L2 node.
  • outfile.genesis is the path where you want the genesis.json file to be written by the migration script. Any node wishing to snap sync on the L2 chain will need this file.

Ensure the full migration script completes successfully (this should be clear from the logs). If it does not, please reach out for assistance.

Start your L2 Node

Now that we have the migrated chaindata, we can start our L2 node using it. The process will be similar to the one described for Option 2: download L1 chaindata and get started, but here you can use your own migrated chaindata (the new-db path) and the genesis file generated by the migration script. You can also use the rollup.json file generated by the migration script for your op-node.

Mainnet Migration

Work in progress

Celo Mainnet is still in the process of migrating to L2. The process will be similar to the Alfajores migration, but it may include some differences. Use the Alfajores migration as a reference, and stay tuned for updates on the Mainnet migration process!